Ten Years

The amount of time you get for cocaine possession
“I did ten years for ya laddie
by Awesomesaucemixer April 9, 2019
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ten year rule

A rule common to menfolk whereby it is considered illegal, or at least frowned upon, to engage in sexual activities within anyone who is ten years older or younger than oneself.
Curly broke the ten year rule again last week with the Duchess, the granny-fucking bastard.
by jamjar77 November 14, 2006
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Ten year old

A retarded faggot who is obsessed with saying "I like pie", yo momma jokes, and potatoes. They also insist that potato is spelled potatoe, which just proves how stupid they really are.
Tom: I raped that bitch in COD!
Zach: I raped yo momma in pokemon!
Random kid: OHHHHHHHH BURN!!!
Tom: Dude, you're acting like a ten year old.
Random kid: OHHHH HE OWNED YOU!!
Zach: Well, you're acting like a potatoe! Which IS spelled with an e on the end! BTW I like pie.
Tom: No it isn't, you uneducated fag. Why do I even talk to you?
Zach: Because I'm incredibly swag!
Tom: (Walks away)
Random kid: You'd better run!
Tom: (Beats the shit out of Zach and random kid)
by xHilarious iFunny January 11, 2015
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Ten Year Rule

The ten year ruler is a rough estimation of the amount of time a style will remain popular.

The rule states that what is popular will change roughly every decade, give or take a year or two.

One important thing to note about the rule is that the style in question is always what is referred to as the "counterculture". The prime fashion will always be the preppy brands of clothing. It's what attempts to rival that which truly changes.

Most of the past decades have followed the ten year rule. The most accurate timeline starts with the 60s.

60s.- The prime of the "hippie movement" (counterculture). Recreational drugs and music festivals, among most other things associated with the hippies was popular.

70s.- Bell bottoms, a new breed of hippie (less active in political activism and movements).

80s.- Big hair, tight pants, leather. Hair bands and power ballads ruled the airwaves.

90s.- Grunge. Dirty, unkempt, rugged, rude.

2000- Emos. Tight clothes, black mid length hair, emo bands.
What will 2010 bring with the Ten Year Rule?
by ZeeEss July 9, 2009
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Ten-Year-Old Man

A male in their early twenties to late thirties who is thus technically an adult but has the mentality of a ten-year-old boy. Rather than being a productive member of society, i.e. seeking employment and paying taxes, he chooses to live with his parents, sit on his ass, play video games, and talk shit on the internet. He thinks people who slave away at jobs they hate all day are fools, but, in fact, when his parents either die or kick his sorry ass into the street and he realizes he has the survival skills of a disfigured newborn baby bird, he'll see the joke is on him.

Also known as a 30-Year-Old Boy.
Productive member of society: Why don't you grow up and move out of your parents' house?
Ten-Year-Old Man: Because I don't have to and I know how good I have it. You shouldn't have moved out, dummy-head!
Productive member of society: Right, enjoy having to be quiet after 10pm and asking for gas money to drive to the mall and drool over girls who are by now half your age.

Ten-Year-Old Man: I don't know what my problem is with girls.
Productive member of society: Gee, let me think, oh maybe it's because you're a 25-year-old man who still lives at home.
Ten-Year-Old Man: What's wrong with that? I save money that way.
Productive member of society: Girls want someone who can actually provide for himself, not someone who's too scared to leave the nest. Also, if the opportunity to have sex DID present itself, they don't want to have it on your parents' couch.

Ten-Year-Old Man: How do you do dishes?
Productive member of society: What do you mean, don't you do dishes at home?
Ten-Year-Old Man: No, my mom does them.
Productive member of society: Your mom? Aren't you like 30 years old? No wonder nobody likes you.
Ten-Year-Old Man: Oh yeah, log on to World of Warcraft and say that shit!
Productive member of society: Whatever, loser.
by MastaRoe March 6, 2011
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Describing a woman with slim hips and small, perky buttocks
That Olympic swimmer had an ass like a ten year old boy
by mattiej January 8, 2011
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I can't stand this chat room anymore. All we ever get is ten year old nu metal aol users.
by Katie Tran October 25, 2003
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