To do multiple tasks at once, not really putting in much concentration nor effort.
I had so much to do yesterday that I was only semi-tasking most of it, so I basically got nothing done.
by Shortimous December 23, 2017
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Showering/pooping while drinking a beer and simultaneously bopping the bishop "masturbating".
Tom was short on time so he decided to go tri-tasking.
by Porno-corndog9 April 16, 2010
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The day after Sussy Sunday and Mogus Monday. After it comes Wires Wednesday.


by Joker the Fortnite God March 1, 2022
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When your supervisor or manager asks you to complete a task and you put the task/duty onto another coworker while on shift.
Last night at work my manager asked me to do something during my shift. I found my nearest coworker and gave the task that I didn't want to do to them. Task Switching is really difficult to pull off since it must be consensual for the employee receiving your assigned task.
by calinelly July 13, 2021
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A term to describe what one's current activities or actions are.
Person 1: Taske?
Person 2: I'm doing laundry at the moment, taske?
Person 1: I'm doing math right now.
by Treasure6969 March 21, 2022
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The opposite of multi-tasking. When one is only capable of focusing on part of one or multiple tasks at any given moment.
Wow! Your multi-tasking skills are on point! I can only fractional task.

I was fractional tasking all day and got 7 different things partially done.
by ShakespeareII November 4, 2020
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