Regardless of what the fuckos at think, taco is pronounced tah-ko. Not tack-o.

The best food in the world. A taco is a Tex-Mex item that dominates any menu, and has the ability to incapacitate a grown man with a weak stomach.

Best served with cheese, and lots of it.
This taco is totally sweet. I could eat another. But not from Taco Bell, of course, because they suck. I'll go to a real restaurant and get another taco there.
by taco April 5, 2003
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referring to a girl's pussy
Hey would you like some meat in your taco?
by Mick Flyleaf February 25, 2010
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The African Children Of Somalia aka tacos

A delicious treat when you need something to eat. They're good with butter.
Person 1: Damn those tacos look good.
Person 2: They sure do.
Person 1: We can rub 'em with butter...
Person 2: ...and then lick it off.
Person 1 & 2: Hells yea!
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A derogatory slang term used mainly in identifying mexicans.
Hey! Taco! I'm ready to order now.
by G-Napp May 4, 2004
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