Sylke is very ignorant and her purple hair looks depressing, even after dying it black, also she looks like a turtle and doesn't like trans kids. Sylke is a negative term used to refer to unfriendly people, similar to "karen", but it's usually about a teacher.
Friend 1: Hey, have you been to school today?
Friend 2: Yes, that teacher annoyed me so much, she discriminated against me for being transgender.
Friend 1: Dang, what a Sylke!
Friend 2: Yes, she really is a Sylke.
by caillou3618495! November 23, 2021
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Sylke is the hottest person you will ever meet. She has the fattest ass and has amazing music taste. She is also incredibly talented and has an extraordinary personality.
yoooo she got a fatty like Sylke. Sylke ong 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
by Pussiowagwan November 21, 2021
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Sylke is a cute and fun person to be around. People called Sylke (wich means blessing/victory) are perfectionists and like to help people when they need it. You have 2 kinds of Sylke's: The quiet introvert one wich is most of the time sarcastic and you have the happy 24/7 hyper Sylke that has an opinion on everything
Well hello, did u see Sylke today?
Wait Sylke is here, why didn't you tell me?
by Jackiejones November 22, 2021
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