A Man who enjoys privacy.
That Man is a Superficial Man he loves his private life
by ancooler October 2, 2022
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If you like hamburgers, they like hamburgers and sell hamburgers. If you like football, they like football and sell football gear. If you like ice skating, they like ice skating and sell skates. If you like smoking pot or shooting heroin, they like drugs and sell drugs. If you like anything that isnt for sale, you're on your own.
You thought you had a friend, but the superficial guy/girl was pretending to be your friend.
by Solid Mantis July 27, 2020
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The teacher rambled on about being "blessed" with superficial things placing the most importance on the material.
by Watcher7 April 23, 2020
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A bitchwho judges others by their looks or race etc.

Typically are stereotypedthings.
Superficial judgement: “People with tattoos are trash”
Black people with rape more than white”
by TruthUnknown September 8, 2019
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