When a biological man expresses sexual attraction to other biological men. Meaning, a man that's only attracted to men that were also born male. The gay equivalent of super straight.
Sam was saying to me of how much I'd like their vagina, but I said, "You know I'm super gay, right?"
by Boyo_212 March 6, 2021
Super gay is a sexual orientation in which an individual only feels attraction to towards the same gender. The person that is getting attraction must however be born of the same gender,and cannot have transitioned to it.
Similar to Super Straight
Similar to Super Straight
by Supergeyy March 5, 2021
When a biological man expresses sexual attraction to other biological men. Meaning, a man that's only attracted to men that were also born male. The gay equivalent of super straight.
by Boyo_212 March 6, 2021
I heard that Ricky Martin is Super Gay.
by Kamehamehadisbitch December 4, 2018
it is like super straight, but gay, as in your attracted to the same gender, but only if there born that gender, because trans men have vaginas and super gays only like cock, Penis, a strap on won't do.
"hey bro that guy is pretty hot"
"Yeah but he doesn't have a dick, and I need a giant dick to jump on like a pogo-stick because I'm super gay"
"Yeah but he doesn't have a dick, and I need a giant dick to jump on like a pogo-stick because I'm super gay"
by Bored teenage boy March 13, 2021
by Britney_NWF September 18, 2004