(1) The right path, the way to get where/what you want.
(2) Another name for the Buddha.
(3) An Indian guy's name.
Take the Sugato, or you'll fall into a ditch.

Ask for directions, jackass. I want to take the Sugato for once.

Sugato is coolest Indian dude I know.
by SKDE03 November 2, 2011
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A man who would rather satisfy wires than desires.
1. Last nighti was being slutty with the cable guy but he turned out to be a sugato

by coolboy123 December 13, 2007
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A term used when someone experiences everything horribly cliche that can occur during a night of heavy drinking. Made popular by college students around the globe, the term is supposedly based on an actual night-out for a guy named Sugato, however the likelihood of this is very low.
Martin: Holy shit Chris, you totally pulled a Sugato last night!

Chris: Pulling a Sugato?

Martin: Well you got a dirty sanchez, your pants have been replaced with see-through panties, you got a tramp stamp that says 'Property of Mike', you have penises drawn all over you, a bloody nose, you are now hairless, you nails are painted, and theres photos of you taking bodyshots off of Mitchell circulating all over the internet. Oh and you now have a criminal record thats about two pages."
by SeemedSafe November 8, 2009
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