(i am stunk rite now)

Stunk is commonly miscontrued with the word Crunk. Stunk is the term you look over your girl's shoulder to yell out "YO HOMIE, IM STUNK or STONED and DRUNK. S(Stoned) Stunt On the other hand Crunk is when you are up on yay or cocaine in simpler terms. C(Coke) Crunk
as "MAD PROPZ 2 MA HOMIE" lil jon putz it:

by $C-MonEY November 27, 2004
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When you are having sex with a female doggy style, and smell unwiped ass,Butt Smells like shit
Man I had to get up off her, we were doing it doggy style and her Butt smelled like fresh shit. I hate to gt Butt Stunked, the smell makes me dizzy and turns me off
by Fact One November 26, 2015
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A person or thing that exudes on exceptionally bad or putrid odor...maybe due to bad body odor, non bathing or both and may leave a lingering aftersmell.
The smell may make you gag and feel physically ill.
Minerva: Girl...that guy who tried to buy us drinks was just gross.
Amy: Ugh.....yes....he stunk the funk!

Bob: Dude, don't go in the men's room....I just went in and it stunk the funk!

Ruben: Ewww....your car seats stunk the funk in this heat....open a window. Now I'm gonna smell....it's worse than smelling like Ass!
by Markoda De James August 2, 2007
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To be so incredibly drunk and stoned at once that you can no longer construct sentences with easyily definable meanings
being stunk and droned rocks the kasbah
by Charlie McWitch February 20, 2005
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Bobby: So what did you do last night?
Cole: Stunk it up playing the Eagles.
by asdklasjdf December 8, 2007
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When you finger a chick, and afterwards your fingers smell like tuna pussy
Fred: jezus man, Nat has a bad case of stunk finger,
Greg: Eeeww, shes so dog
Fred: yeah
by ARKELZ November 15, 2007
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