1. To be extreamly high(the fun kind)
2. To get thrown rocks at for a crime, not common anymore besides to assholes
1.Me:Yo man im soo stoned. Is that a unicorn or a dragon? *hug air*
Johnny: what the fuck are you doing?
Me: I dont know im stoned remember?!
Johnny:Hell yeah!

2. Priest fag guy: You will be punished for your wrong doings!!!
Me: No i dont wanna be stoned you asshole!!!
by Retartedman328 January 4, 2009
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Tthe staet of minnnnd awl dtns sca saeinfa e dope.
It'S knnid of a e ts ta dn t e h .
A: Hey man, I'm too stoned. You roll the next blunt.
B: No way, man. I'm too stZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.........
by the dude with the blunt January 18, 2005
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When you've committed sinful crimes in 180 B.C and the people would pelt you with rocks until you died.
Judge: Guilty. You've been sentenced to be stoned.
Prisoner: oh damn sweet
The Chosen Few: *readys rocks*
Prisoner: oh shit i thought you meant the other kind of stoned like when you get h-
*gets pelted with rocks until his corpse is riddled with bruises*
by You sad human March 20, 2019
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When you've committed sinful crimes in 180 B.C and the people would pelt you with rocks until you died.
Judge: Guilty. You've been sentenced to be stoned.
Prisoner: oh damn sweet
The Chosen Few: *readys rocks*
Prisoner: oh shit i thought you meant the other kind of stoned like when you get h-
*gets pelted with rocks until his corpse is riddled with bruises*
by You sad human March 20, 2019
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When you've committed sinful crimes in 180 B.C and the people would pelt you with rocks until you died.
Judge: Guilty. You've been sentenced to be stoned.
Prisoner: oh damn sweet
The Chosen Few: *readys rocks*
Prisoner: oh shit i thought you meant the other kind of stoned like when you get h-
*gets pelted with rocks until his corpse is riddled with bruises*
by You sad human March 20, 2019
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A method of execution where the person being executed is tied to a pole, and people around throw rocks at said person.
The crook was stoned to death because he was guilty of murder
by Youngster Calvin February 11, 2016
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when your at a state of high from weed where you’ve never been smarter
Do you remember when we were so stoned that’s we started evaluating theories about aliens?”
by bananagram8 April 1, 2022
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