A stone butch is a butch (lesbian exclusive identity) who doesn't want to be penetrated during sex, have her genitals touched or have certain areas touched during sex or everyday life, ie: inner thighs. This identity is the counterpart to high femme or stone femme and its important to respect a stone butches' boundaries. Contrary to popular belief, stone butch doesnt inherently mean being extremely masculine, seeing as the futch scale, a meme created by reddit lesbians that was spread through the internet, can falsely depict. Stone lesbians are not cold, they're just as soft and loving as any other lesbian!! Respect stone butches! ♡
by peony femme July 11, 2019
A stone butch is a butch lesbian who is a bottom. A buch lesbian is considered the most masculine lesbian and is not to be confused with a trans male.
by Sweetmothersappho May 11, 2019
Stone Butch--- Usually means "very" as in "very butch" and proud of it.
Stone Butch can also mean a Butch woman who prefers not to be touched by a partner sexually at all, or in any way that is feminizing.
Stone Butch can also mean a Butch woman who prefers not to be touched by a partner sexually at all, or in any way that is feminizing.
by Hym May 1, 2005
A masculine female-bodied person who strongly disassociates from zir body, to the point that ze does not allow zir female parts to be touched or sometimes even acknowledged. Definition can be extended to include emotional untouchability or extreme masculinity.
by alice November 8, 2003
n ~ Most masculine of the Butches - may pass as male without actually trying. May identify as transgender, that is identifying outside of the gender usually associated with females. Does all or most of the above in masculine gender expressions. May or may not be sexually aggressive. Will not be made love to as one would a "woman". Will have questioned their gender at some time in their lives. Will not be totally comfortable with their female body. May think of Butch as a separate gender from man & woman.
by dijjn June 4, 2003