(n.) The seam-like band of tissue that runs vertically down some men's scrotums. Usually only noticed by observers who have clearly seen too much porn.
When Bill sat on the copier after getting drunk at the office Christmas party, everyone could tell that he had a ruler-straight steet.
by chrisnatx August 25, 2009
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When Caitlin is bored on the loo, she sits and makes steets in her pubes.
by Steetmaster June 22, 2020
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A mix between sweet and tight often used when intoxicated and can be referred to as a slurr.
Dude, that jump was so steet!


You're so steet.
by Caitliners June 22, 2006
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A thing that is used to describe an attractive person
"Yooooo look at that fine steet over there"
by CHILL._.BRO July 11, 2017
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Dark alleyway with spiders and ghosts and shit.
I walked down the the totally scary steet. I was terrifyingl.
by Not Jaffa July 2, 2018
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The snazzyest cat around! Also used to describe one who has an essence of cool!
The steet guy is hella chill!
by 1up May 25, 2006
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Sometimes good looking but fake and really cheap shoes
Kierra Warren A.K.A blacky chan has some 3rd steet shoes
by Jelani February 27, 2008
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