when you got a stanky wanky because you ain’t wash yo dicc in a long time
Boys mom- Boy your wanky is stanky
Boy- I know I have stanky wanky
by BJBoi42069 July 13, 2019
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after taking a fat shit, u dont wipe ur ass, then u bust a nut in toilet.
man dude, last night, i did a stanky wanky and i forgot to whipe my ass.
by gavinbw_17 November 27, 2019
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When you fuck a woman that smells like fish, and ya, that's kinda gross...
-Dante D.
by NorCalBeast72 February 12, 2017
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Person 1: Stay out of Kyles room man.
Person 2: Why?
Person 1: Because he just chucked a stanky wanky.
by Joel Archbold September 24, 2020
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The act of shitting qand Masturbating at the same time.
Bro didn’t have enough time before work us the throne and bust one out, so he did w stanky wanky and got both out of the bed way at once.
by That High school dictionary November 1, 2022
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