sTanky leg

a infection that is in your leg for not cleaning it. It is also one of the most horrible dances in the history of dances
person 1: WTF is a stanky leg
person 2: the most horrible dances ever made
person 1: ohh
by punchie-247 July 6, 2009
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stanky leg

To smoke weed, the ganja, the kushie kushie, the good stuff, the reefer
yo are you guys down to do the stanky leg
by phatballa27 January 9, 2010
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Stanky leg

The stanky leg is a lyric, and dance move from the popular song whip and nay nay, it’s become a living meme and is EPIC
Tim: help John I’ve been cursed by a wizard named babatunde, he has forced me to do the stanky leg for eternity.
John: Tim I’ll save you!!!
Tim:no don’t come to close or the wizard will curse you with this hip dance move!!!
by Stanky leg Steve December 5, 2019
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Stanky leg

1. Adjective A leg with a discreet smell but a flamboyant and devious motion. Most commonly seen on a Sunday night, during the first night of freshers week in the city of Chester.
"Hey man, can you smell that?"

"Probably just Stan working that stanky leg".
by Donald Rump September 26, 2015
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stanky leg

The smell of your leg when you shit your pants and it runs down your sock.
You smell that? Either that guy has been working barefoot in the fields all day or he's got a stanky leg.
by das64 September 4, 2009
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stanky leg

a dance done to the song "stanky leg" that involves twisting your leg in a rotating position on your toes.

People on this website make it seem like a negative comment, but it is not about dogs, or periods, or anything like that. JUST A DANCE.
also, a very popular dance for boys powder puff competitions nation wide.
person 1: the stanky leg has a bad meaning"
person 2: no it doesnt!! its just a dance!! "do the stanky leg!"

person 1: OH haha i was WRONG.
by ilovetodancethestankyleg October 11, 2009
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stanky leg

the worst dance ever invented

it is used by gay people at club or rave parties when they cant think of anything fresh or hip

it involves spinning your leg in a circle while stepping on your outmost toe.

very hard to pull off and even more difficult to get chics with.

i once did the stanky leg and cried on my bed for 5 hours because i had done a horrible deed
you:" check that shit out i just pulled a combo of the soulja boy, drop lock it pop it, the robot, and a heelflip at the same time

random fag: " yah well i did the stanky leg!!"
by xDJ SkiZZx July 25, 2009
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