Derogatory word for straight edge or someone who wont break the rules.

by Big Roc 702 April 23, 2008
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a person who's stupid, boring, lame etc...
by SaraH April 25, 2005
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one with a job and no points against them, learns from friends screw-ups not being able to stick it to the man properly.
square bear: being able to know there priorities over what they want, due to point racking friends.
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A weak ass female that doesn't do anything sexual with you.
"she's gonna be a square bear for life. You will never get none."
by wut_it_do_do!! November 15, 2005
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A bottle of Bundaberg Rum. Named after its square shape and Polar bear logo.
Got a 40 oz Square Bear and 1.2L Coke, all set!
by ringfeeder December 24, 2008
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A man with no friends and labelled as a weirdo. Often bullied by they're nieces
by Elliemaiiii1234 July 24, 2016
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A Square Bear is a delightful person who is cute and charming with a good moral judgement.
Tatiana is a precious Square Bear ♥️
by MrGoldieLocks March 3, 2020
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