The act of looking up songs on YouTube but spelling them wrong in the process.
No, your sprining it. It’’s supposed to be spelt like this
by Sigmadoghouse November 8, 2019
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The combination, in any varying amounts, of sprite and white wine. Generally speaking, pinot grigio is used to bring out the gentle aroma and flavor of the sprine.
Oh man, I drank so much sprine last night that now my brain feels like it's crying. I should've known, that is the sprine promise.
by SprineDrinker69 October 27, 2013
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The result of mixing shitty, barely potable wine with sprite in a last resort to get shitfaced.
We ran out of the good shit, break out the Sprine.
by mattythemaster June 13, 2022
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drink containing sprite and wine
Let's have some sprine!
by onlytheloserswin March 12, 2018
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