In the game Rainbow Six Siege a player (defender) partially breaks open a window or door to get a cheap shot at the enemies. Usually these people are Jäger or Bandt but all players can do this
Jäger: lol rekt ez
by end me pls August 19, 2017
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The most toxic way to play Rainbow Six Siege. This is when you break open a window or door on the map and spawn kill the enemy team before they have a chance to shoot back. This is most commonly seen done by Jäger mains, until the most recent patch where Jäger lost his ACOG scope. Even without the ACOG, many players still spawnpeek and infuriate the enemy team
Attacker #1: What the hell I just died! I didn't even get a chance to run!
Attacker #2: Fuck! Me too! I'm not gonna sit around and play this game if I'm gonna keep getting spawn peeked by Jäger every round!
Jäger main: gg ez get rekt skrubs
by Captain_Cancer September 26, 2017
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A completely legitimate intended mechanic within the game rainbow six siege, wherein a defender breaks a hole in the window and Absolutely wrecks the attackers with a hailstorm of bullets
If you don't want to die to spawn peek maybe get better at the game and don't spawncamp idiot, learn to play the game tactically, there's nothing more tactically advantageous than instantly destroying an entire team
by Siccogreen July 18, 2019
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absolutely the best thing ever invented. you break open a window and completely dominate the enemy team. A more riskier version of the spawn peek is the spawn rush which should only be attempted if playing a 3 speed operator.
(tip) only spawn peek in casual because it won't work in ranked
by iello February 16, 2019
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Most commonly seen in Rainbow Six Seige, spawn peeking is when the defensive side breaks a window to get an early kill in the game. It is looked down upon and hated within the community.

Spawn peeking is mostly done by Jäger, Bandit , Pulse, Doc or Rook. Any Defender can do this cheap and toxic way to play, but it is more common with those defenders.
Zofia: What the fuck man, these spawn peeking nerds!
Ash: omfg r u serious man? Fuck casual lmaoo
Jäger: lol gg ez kid git gud nerd.
by Spawn peek April 9, 2018
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when you are a virgin with no hoes. you spawn peek.
i spawn peek cuz im a bitch with my virginity still intact.
by ceej01 October 7, 2023
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