Done by loud cunts who plan on making music for the rest of their lives who turn into bearded death metal fans working as a Roadie
by ZiggyBlockley August 13, 2014
by BigBigga October 10, 2020
When you have vibrators in all four of your pockets. One on either side and one in the back pockets.
A: Hey does anyone else hear a lot of buzzing?
B: Oh yeah that's just my surround sound, don't worry about it
B: Oh yeah that's just my surround sound, don't worry about it
by denny! May 2, 2018
Originally a slur by antivaxxers it has come to be used to praise a social media user who uses particularly good grammar and spelling.
by Firescientist April 6, 2024
Originally a kind of insult by antivaxxers this has become a compliment. In effect the terrible spelling and general stupidity of antivaxxers plus this weird non insult has turned against them and it is now a way of complimenting someone on their spelling and grammar on social media.
by Firescientist April 2, 2024