A handkerchief or tissue. It is usually applied to a handkerchief or tissue that has been used and when examined the contents make you want to puke and you wonder whether you might have snorted out brain matter, as the product is foul, disgusting and should be classed as a biohazard. The word can be used to describe someone who has the same effect on people, a vile creature who makes the skin crawl and whose presence makes falling face first into a gangrenous cowpat seem positively pleasant in comparison.
by AKACroatalin June 9, 2015
A handkerchief or tissue. Implicit in the word is that the handkerchief or tissue has been used and that the product within it is particularly vile, greasy, and slimy; the result of diseased sinuses or a severe nasal infection. By extension the word can be used to describe a person having the same qualities, an obnoxious, slimeball whose very presence makes people nauseous.
by Croatalin November 21, 2013
Handkerchief, a piece of cloth kept in the back pockets of toothless rednecks, that when pulled out and "waved about" serves as a signal that they're about to sneeze or hack up a lung in a particularly disgusting manner.
Cousin Billy-Bob, kin I borry your snotrag? I gots ta' aaah-AAACHOOOO!! Sorry 'bout that cousin Billy-Bob......club soda'll take that right out.
by The Mad Bugler November 12, 2002
Drops have been reported in all the major currencies; the American dollar, the British Pound, the Japanese Yen, and the Russian... snotrag.
by mattthemutt April 12, 2008