The body's preparation for a sneeze, which is deferred just before climax. (The "ah... ah... ah" without the "choo"). The feelings and sensations of a sneeze come to you, but just as you are about to exhale with explosion, it miraculously disappears.
I thought I was going to sneeze during my presentation, but luckily, it was only a sneeze tease.
by Patio furniture March 5, 2006
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An incomplete sneeze that leaves the would-be sneezer with a feeling of frustrating non-consummation (as sneezing activates the same parts of the brain as an orgasm). Also: A person who talks a potential sneezer out of the completion of a sneeze.
As a sneeze tease, she took pleasure in coaxing her friends out of their impending sneezes: "It's OK, look at me, you can do it, you don't have to sneeze..." (Try it, it works.)
by Livvie January 21, 2007
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A girl that sneezes, but does it in such a way as to sound feminine, so as to still be "attractive" to the boys. Instead of the deep, loud kind, it comes out high pitched and squeeky, dainty if you will.
When Samantha sneezed, it sounded like a bird chirping. What a sneeze tease.
by Anonymous576 March 16, 2006
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when a sneeze teeters on the edge of coming out but never does
Chris: Yeah man, when i was goin' down on her I thought I finally was about to make her orgasam.

Bill: And?

Chris: False alarm. It was just a sneeze tease.
by Djokomofo December 11, 2009
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When you have a sneeze coming and, like a tease, it decides not to just before it happens.
Hold up, gotta sneeze. Ah.. AH- ...God damn Tease Sneeze!
by Tajdæ March 25, 2016
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The event of feeling like you are about to sneeze but not sneezing.
I thought I was going to sneeze but it was just a sneeze tease.
by Phantom Payne November 19, 2019
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