when more head shaking is needed than a standard 'smh'
Dude, she thinks Africa is a country, smh my head
by theogasseater February 4, 2018
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This is what you say when you smh so hard that it's infinite. Here's what the acronym stands for . . .
s - smh
m - my
h - head
my - my
head - head
So in other words, directly transalted to English it means, "smh smh . . . my head my head . . ." with each ellipses signaling that it goes on infinitely.
Guy 1: "Hey dude, do you play Fortnite?"
Guy 2: "Smh my head."
by Knineteen19 January 21, 2021
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"I can't believe I broke my phone."
"Wow man smh my head"
by N1. July 17, 2017
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Created by the meme god Danny Gallagher smh my head is when smh doesn't suffice to the amount of head shaking required to be disappointed in something.
Bitches don't even pray to god anymore, they just pray to Cardi B, smh my head
by tfizzlerone May 8, 2018
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When your homie says something not just dumb but dumbdumb.
Homie1: I just realized smh doesn't stand for somehow
Homie2: smh my head
by Eric Forman once said February 9, 2023
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Created by the instagram meme gods smh my head is when smh doesn't suffice to the amount of head shaking required to be disappointed in something.
Bitches don't even pray to god anymore, they just pray to Cardi B, smh my head
by SenseiCheekClapper January 9, 2018
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A different version of the acronym SMH (shake my head)

A humourosly ironic way of saying Smh (because it’s not supposed to be said like that)
“Karen! You sold the kids for your ketamine addiction!”
What can I say!?”
“Smh my head Karen you’re such a fucking crackhead!”
by Danny Despacito July 18, 2019
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