Smash or dash is a term used to describe the two options someone in a prolonged friend zone should do.
Andrew: Sophie is SO Hot
Nathan: I know, but I'm deep in the friend zone
Andrew: The only thing you should be deep in is that pussy, you need to smash or dash!
by EliteWingman January 29, 2016
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To have sex with an individual, and then after said intercourse, escape at the earliest convenience with/without the consent/knowledge of your partner.
The chicks fine, but I think she has Pica. Smash-And-Dash for sure bro!
by TheKingNick December 15, 2010
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When you have casual sex with a counterpart and then never talk to him/ her again.
Friend 1 "Did you hit it?"
Friend 2 "Yeah bro, but it was a smash and dash"
by CutTheCreditCard December 15, 2015
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To go to a party just to smash some chicks and leave.
I went to the girls party just so I could have sex with some other girls and dip right after. I did a smash and dash
by acchill April 6, 2015
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TO have sex with a girl and then leave immediately

Dude, I pulled a smash and dash, on Veronica yesterday.
by jmack05 February 12, 2006
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When someone uses the bathroom at a place of business to take a shit without buying anything. It is often accompanied by weak attempts masquerade as a paying customer, followed by a quick exit from the building.
On the way back from camping, I had to pull a smash and dash at the Taco Bell. It was the only place around for miles.
by alunimumbat February 22, 2011
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To bust a nut on a girl and then just ditch her.
Tbh not down for anything serious tonight just a smash and dash
by DarknessMyOldFriend January 21, 2019
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