Slim thick a girl with a slim body shape but a big booty and big thighs. Usually with a smalle waist and flat stomach.
by Brown skin shorty January 10, 2016
by Satanscute3 January 11, 2019
by Blahhh285 May 9, 2014
Skinny but not anorexic and has curves. The perfect ratio between skinny and thick. Some experts believe this to be the ideal figure of the human female.
by BIG PAPI KEVIN September 20, 2019
A girl with a thin or slim core then a thick botom half
Example a girl whose body represents an hourglass shape
Example a girl whose body represents an hourglass shape
by Lil Dickie July 3, 2017
A male or female that is in the middle of a thick and slim body type that has potential to become a BBW or it is a way of life and how to keep the body healthy like a temple of thickness
Girl: Hey doesn't Nick look so slim thick in that lingerie Jacket of his?
Girl2: heck yeah he does! Slim thick NICK
Girl2: heck yeah he does! Slim thick NICK
by Inihoehoe May 23, 2015
by Game mode 0 September 12, 2016