A Crystal Meth Dealer's assistant. Usually a person who has been tweaking for quite sometime and is always a little Sketchy. The Sketchatary handles the daily odds and ends the dealer is to busy to do or simply considers the tasks menial. The Sketchatary's compensation is usually in the form of Shards, small amounts of cash, and it assumed the Sketchatary will pocket 10% of product. This career path has its downsides. Mainly the Sketchatary will most like be the scapegoat if there is a bust by the feds. Also, advancement to Dealer Status will only occur when the Sketchatary's boss is murdered, arrested, or can't come back from a case of Meth Psychosis. All in all not a bad job if have become nothing more than a cluck.
I dont have time to go tot the needle exchange, I'll send my Sketchatary if he isn't too busy cleaning something or jerking off.
by SeattleHairyCub August 16, 2010
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