A wealthy leftie who exhibits the unpleasant shrillness of any political absolutist alongside the stuck-up NIMBY attitudes of any other wealthy person.

A politically-correct, nanny-statist, granola, bleeding heart who make over $100,000 a year in a job that probably violates their professed political beliefs on some level. They are riddled with the guilt of the rich and make up for it by trying to impose their very specific lefty world views where ever they can.

These people are often lawyers, software engineers, real estate salespeople, entertainers, and/or self-help gurus.
Whole Foods Markets are designed to cater to six-figure hippies.

That woman with the designer yoga mat strapped to the top of her Prius, who pays her stylist $100 a month to make her hair look natural.

Over half of the wealthy people who live in places Marin County, California or rural Vermont can be characterized as six-figure hippies.
by erielhonan March 11, 2010
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(n) a boss so repulsive and loathsome that nobody is willing to work for him for less than $100,000.00/year.
She had no idea that she was a six-figure asshole until she started cutting pay and her employees stormed out of the office like the place was on fire.
by Frustrated_Monolingual September 8, 2010
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Judgment in a lawsuit in excess of $100,000
The person that got hurt last week is looking for a six-figure apology
by Pins0444 January 26, 2015
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