
The Arabic word for "grandmother." Literally translates into "my grandmother," but is used in the context of "grandmother."
I am going to see my Sitty today
by reniboo July 9, 2012
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How a deaf person says the English word “Shitty.”
Do it Wicky, Sitty Wicky, do it Wicky, Sitty Wicky, do it Wicky, Sitty Wicky...Sitty Wicky do it.”

(Do it Richy, Shitty Richy, do it Richy, Shitty Richy, do it Richy, Shitty Richy...Shitty Richy do it.)
by Son of a Bitch-Cocksucker August 20, 2019
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When you are tired and really want to sit down
by SavagePablo32 March 17, 2017
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a satanic kitty, any kitty, kitten, or cat that is satanic
DEAR GOD!!! that "sitty" just tore my friends face right off
by korogi June 27, 2006
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Sitty Kitty

(noun.) Someone who is having an awesome time on Ketamine and then fkn ruins it by sitting down and passing out.
You see Matt passed out over there? What a Sitty Kitty
by no-sitty-kitty July 26, 2022
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tree sitty

How a 10 year old says (Xbox) 360.
Brat: Mommy, I want a tree sitty.
Mother: No.
by Ruklo June 19, 2006
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Sitty Fuck

Sexual position involving a partner with a penis and a partner with breasts.

The partner with the breasts lies down and has their face sat on while giving a rim job to the other who, facing the direction of the breasts, uses said breasts to stroke their penis.
A Disney World Orlando princess gave me a Sitty Fuck last night. Good thing I washed my ass!
by Joach Peccatiello June 17, 2020
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