When a pretty girl plays you a song on the guitar and you use your voice to sing along with it , if you are able to sing along this means it is singalongable
Hey joe lucys guitar playing was singalongable I loved it !!
by Imjustboredwoo May 7, 2020
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When a pretty girl plays you a song on the guitar and if you are able to sing along it is singalongable
Hey joe lucy played me something on the guitar it was so good it was even singalongable !!!
by Imjustboredwoo May 7, 2020
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Very powerful choral vocals or shouts along with lead singer. It's shouting several statements, frases, words or even sounds. Such things are widespread in hardcore punk, straight edge and youth crew to pick out the main idea of a song, to appeal audience's attention. Singalons are also present in fusion genres of hardcore punk with metal (metalcore), death metal (deathcore), pop punk (easycore). Not to be confused with backing vocals.
I wanna listen to this song again and again only because of this nice singalong!
by Paul Grincent January 3, 2015
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Make her sing (moan) to your strokes. It takes skill and effort to make her do so.
Hey Jeff: Bob what you do last night, you left early.
Bob: I made Jenn singalong! Don't tell anyone!
by Spank Daddy July 21, 2021
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