
simp is someone called darina or medine. it is a person who wants old ass people like fizruks or english teachers.
-ure such a simp!
-no im not medine!

-ure simp asf medine
by pussykiller3000 April 2, 2022
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A person can only simp over somebody if truly in love with the significant other or partner .
The simp : I love you

The person : i love you too

The simp : bae bae bae

The Person : yes

The simp : I can’t wait to see you your so pretty and I’m so lucky to be with u 😍😍
The person : aww
by I’d love real September 18, 2021
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Not a simp

I’m not a simp and not a $imp!
by yeltsA kciR May 27, 2021
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Jack Walsh is not a simp he walked with Bethan cuz she asked
by COCKFUCKER200 March 12, 2020
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Saay simp cult

The saay simp cult is an association claiming for saay's world domination. This cult follows the saaytion a religion that worships a fashion icon and vocals queen aka saay . Join the saay simp cult for clear skin and long lasting happy life . In conclusion STAN SAAY AND JOIN THE CULT
I just joined the saay simp cult and my life is happier
by Saay queen May 10, 2020
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Saay simp cult

The saay simp cult , Is a cult to claim saay's world domination . Join the saay simp cult for clear skin and long lasting happy life . Praise our leader saay best singer ever . The saay cult will make your life happier by following a fashion icon and vocals queen . JOIN THE SAAY SIMP CULT BUDDIES
I just joined the saay simp cult and my life is better
by Saay queen May 10, 2020
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Saay simp cult

The saay simp cult is an association claiming for saay's world domination. This cult follows the saaytion a religion that worships a fashion icon and vocals queen aka saay . Join the saay simp cult for clear skin and long lasting happy life . In conclusion STAN SAAY AND JOIN THE CULT
I joined the saay simp cult and my life haven't been better
by Saay cult May 10, 2020
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