Every year on September 2nd it is Short People Day and on that day for everyone under 5'5 gets 5 bucks from people who are taller than 5'5
Short Person: time to go get rich from Short People Day
by SkyzTheGuy July 28, 2021
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October 19 is the day you get to pick on people who are smaller than you. Even if they are older than you or younger than you. DO WHAT EVER IT TAKES!
Tall person 1: Hey where is (short persons name)?
Tall person 2: I don't know....I saw her/him run to his/her room this morning....
Tall person 1: You know that today is October 19 right?
Tall person 2: yeah?
Tall person 1: Today is Short people day
Tall person 2: ..... I'll get the duck tape.
Tall person 1: ..... I'll go ahead and break the door.....
by I_AM_ GROOT44-49 November 2, 2019
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Tall friends always make fun of you for being short? Well today’s your day because you get to tell them to do anything!!!
Jake: hey shorty
Chris: you can call me that!!
Chris: it’s national short people day
Chris: now going make fun of every tall person in this house
by Ur mum gay sksksks November 16, 2019
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The one day short people (5'5" and under) can't be made fun of, if someone does they owe you a hug.
"Your short" shii guess i owe you a hug since its national short people day
by Franklin2420 November 16, 2020
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The 30th August is Kick Short People Day! Go ahead and slap em!
Come to sweet Pablo's, it's Kick Short People Day!
by Alla Gnatenko August 29, 2021
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hey its kill short people day yay kill gianni hahahah he dead now.
by boobs22 October 22, 2020
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