waking up with the knowledge that your alcoholism has fucked you over once again. often you have no idea why you have a shameover. you just feel regret, shame, self loathing and all the usual shit that comes with a severe hangover. these type of shameovers lead to a series of nerve racking phone calls to discover just how rick battam your performance was the night before. shameovers typically result from: lipping off/ threatening/ fighting innocent people, sleeping with swamp donkeys, male crying, heart to hearts, or injuring yourself while loser drunk. unlike hangovers... shameovers can last days, months and in some cases even years. in certain cases space junk has also been known to lead to shameovers.
...my knuckles were bloody, my knees were skinned, next to me lay a gruesome swamp donkey.... the shameover slowly began to set in.
by geofftaylor August 11, 2006
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the ultimate feeling of regret of what you have done the nite before. in extream cases it may put you off gonig out to your regular haunt. incase people notice you. feeling include hangover, sickness, guilt, memory loss, worried to check your phone,
a shameover can occur because cheating on your gf with a munter, getting naked, getting arrested, abusive, danceing like a dick, saying stuff you regret in the morning, gettin kicked out of a club, or just not gettin in the first place.
by tang tang and RS November 6, 2008
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An overwhelming feeling of shame that comes the morning after a long night of binge drinking. Often characterized by feelings of regret about what you said or did while you were wasted along with the regular symptoms of a hangover.
Dude, I got really drunk last night and sang "jitterbug" karaoke and I've got a total shameover.
by Christopher C. Cook July 16, 2006
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the rather undefinable feeling that is kind of like a mixture between shame/guilt/worry and a regular stomach-ache(like the one in a regular hangover)

a Shameover is when you wake up the day after and feel bad to your stomach, thinking about all the stupid,bad stuff you did during your bender- that and the usual discomfort in your stomach the day after too much alcohol
...the day after, i of course had a loong shameover, but i think ive come to peace with it now and stuff has cleared up nicely
by Daskraft April 9, 2011
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