
He may be mean sometimes but, he’s the best friend you can ever have. He LOVES TO EAT!
by TOTAI February 21, 2021
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The most perfect person you could ever meet. If someone says she isn't perfect then they are either blind or not human.
by Zoeyyyy 💁 July 16, 2014
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be shal bee shal

ebonics for "bet yall I'll beat yall"
be shal bee shal to tha stowe
by Ken January 17, 2004
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No Shal Vish

A gang active in the late 1800s, consisting of members Mae-Lani Collins, Jacob Roberts, Elizabeth Campbell, Levi Callahan, Connor Dougherty, Michael Davis, Blume GreyWolf, And Desmond Collins
“No Shal Vish: The Entries of The Misunderstood” is a book published in the early to mid 1900s by member Elizabeth Campbell
by TurtleJestr August 26, 2023
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