Spending your entire Canadian Emergency Response Benefit on alcohol.
Michael got Serbian Shitfaced last weekend.”
by eagledonor July 3, 2023
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Someone who only fights others on a national basis
John is the biggest serbian pacifist in Britain! He beat up 10 French people in the last week!
by Alekslav123 August 23, 2021
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A Serbian step is a move in bacetball poularized by Serbian Player Nikola jokic. He often takes two extremely long slow steps to get to the hoop when he is enabled by the opposing team defense to tap and dribble the ball. So the sports comentators gave that move a neme SERBIAN STEP Him beaing from serbia and all.
Ooh and he just pulled a Serbian step on them.
by Cllamer March 11, 2017
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The only non-gay way to jerk off another man: you have your hand on your dick, and another man shakes your arm up and down
"Dude, the craziest thing ever happened to me! I was on an airplane and I had my hand on my dick, and this guy reached over and yanked my arm up and down! Is that gay?"

"Nah, man, that's just a Serbian Sauna."
by Mr. Serb December 8, 2021
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A Serbian pumpersnickel is a sexual technique that originated in of course Serbia. It is performed through the female allowing her vagina to be chewed by the male until blood is drawn, which he then uses as lubricant to retrieve a cashew nut from the anus of the female using only his penis.
Last night me and my girlfriend gave the Serbian pumpersnickel a try
by Brandon01235 July 25, 2021
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