Sea Grape

That sea grape at the bus stop needs to get a job.
by ballsack11 July 12, 2009
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sea grapes

Some Bahamas bred BOMB ass shit green and blue nugs lookin like they were straight from the sea.
Yo, u want some sea grapes mon? They be gettin u blaaaazed.
by whatsit November 14, 2007
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Sea Grapes

the eggs of a Cuttlefish containing its offspring, the freakiest little cuties God could devise
They are called sea grapes by zoologists and people who enjoy shitty wine.
The cuttlefish lays its sea grapes in some random hole in the bottom of the ocean
by Sisco in the Wild November 12, 2018
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Sea Graped

Having Anal intercourse on the beach, pulling out and inserting a hand full of sea grapes in her anal cavity
"Did you hear Abby's boyfriend sea graped her!?"
by The grape van December 11, 2017
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