
adj: so great that any other word employed would be woefully insufficient, and would serve only to limit the sheer magnitude of the greatness intended as a descriptor.

-made famous by Will Ferrell impersonating James Lipton on SNL's skit "Inside the Actor's Studio."

-don't be fooled by other misspellings.
by Jickety May 17, 2005
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A word that was created to describe an object, place, or event that is so spectacular it can barely be described
by Tubby John June 22, 2006
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A feeling of awe that can not be expressed in words.
by Jared Burton August 2, 2003
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This word is so great, no awesome, no it is such a great word that I will make up a word for its greatness...right now...Scrumtrulescent
by shizzle makizzle October 24, 2003
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n.: The quality of being scrumtrulescent. The state of possessing such greatness of degree that all attempts at description fall miserably short.
I was left breathless by the sheer scrumtrulescence of her performance.
by Jickety June 7, 2006
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Used to describe something that is so great, it will temporarily impair your motor skills.
If you haven't seen A Troll Lost in Central Park, get it, watch it, put it in a lock box for one year, then watch it again. It is a performance so scrumtrulescent, I can barely move.
by James Lipton January 15, 2004
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