1. What you do when you hurt yourself and want the open lesion to be prevented from infection/heal faster.

2. An amazing melodic death metal band from Cleveland, Ohio. Formed on 9/11 which makes them that much fucking cooler.
1. Gee whiz, I do hope my bear-wrestling lacerations heal quicker if I salt the wounds, because it sure does hurt like a mother fucker!

2. I'm going need a new pair of undies after listening to I Swear The Visine Is For My Allergies.
by omegamuff1n July 17, 2010
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A sweet death metal band from Ohio.
Listen to them.
Kid: My ears are bleeding from these awesome vocals and lyrics of Salt The Wound!
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put some spit on it, stop being a pussy/bitching about the situation instead of growing the fuck up
yo! she's fuckin gone! salt the wound and snag another beaver!

bro, salt the wound and find a better paying job!

salt(ing) the wound is what builds character!
by rhyma480 April 14, 2019
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When you are going to fuck someone up, regardless of what happens to you.
Friend 1 - "Dude stole my car, but he seems pretty big."
by SlamShady February 12, 2015
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Don't hurt a person feeling with talking about sensitive matters
Moshiko: Yossi, I saw your axe kissing and ... with that nerd, what's his name?

Yossi: fuck you Moshiko, why are you sowing salt on my wounds?
by Yaron7 May 2, 2005
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Rubbing salt on the wound is a idiom when you make a matter worse or to make someone very unhappy
You are literally rubbing salt on the wound trying to say sorry to me
by crasher 1998 March 29, 2016
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