Sacked Out

When ur truck is 90% rust and the other 10% fell off. Basically any janky ass object, usually a vehicle.
Guy 1: Jesus, my truck is so sacked out! Popped some brake lines and a wheel fell off on the highway!

Guy 1: Wow, that piece of shit is really sacked out
by theheccindoggogoesbork September 29, 2020
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Sack out

Jeff, I am pretty tired. Can I sack out at your place tonight?
by johnls7424 January 26, 2012
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I'm so dead tired. I can't wait to go home and sack-out.
by 7h0rn3 May 15, 2009
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Sack out

Flynn: “Ok Jean. I’ll sack out
by Jeanie B February 1, 2021
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sack it out chump

used sacastically at the driver of a lowered vehicle.
Used as a form of playfull insult towards a car that the user envies for its lowered ride height.
Also read as - your car should be lower you fool
At a car event or cruise a drunken bystander will yell out
"sack it out chump!"

normally followed by an arse wipping by occupants of the car with bats.
by Chumpy March 30, 2006
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wack out and sack out

Masterbating to get yourself tired when you have difficulty going To sleep at night.
I wack out and sack out.
by Tommy Bunz 69 March 14, 2022
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