Old WWII Army term. Until the recent (last ten years or so) resurgence of fubar, was the only one anyone remembered.
by Brian X May 3, 2003
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Situation normal, all fucked up; Often used by the US armed forces.
cheif, we have a snafu!
by Jiub May 25, 2003
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This work project is a real snafu. Its a sotuation "that looks" normal "but it is" all fucked ☝ up.
by BorisGiftOfGab June 8, 2017
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Something Normal All Fucked Up ...... the girls.
Random person: Why is that person putting on dinosaur footie pajamas right outside of Target?
Random person 2: Because they're SNAFU!
by Contrabarrrrrr November 6, 2005
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Scottish Word used to describe the devil's lair, where all sorts of weird sex, dancing and music takes place...
That devil Mo has some mad shit happening down in his Snafu!
by posterman November 12, 2004
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