People named rumteen are the opposite of manipulating liars instead they do stuff for people and always tell the truth, they are usually known and “soft”
Person 1 “Be a rumteen and get me a drink please”
Person 2“Sure”
by Blaetism March 13, 2023
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Rumteen, an absolute god of manipulation, also has a lineage of ancestors that go by the title of "The Fallen One", if you are reading this, you've already been manipulated by him into making a vow of mastery which gives him power over your actions. He also is a sigma male, and most importantly... he's short.
You already have fallen victim to Rumteen... bear witness to his greatness.
by Blalanke January 7, 2023
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A new and upcoming brand of hardcore rum.
Damn, I’m drunk. I just chugged an entire bottle of Rumteen
by Kekehwnwnnd April 28, 2023
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