something that doesn't exist.
Person 1: Hey, do you know any reliable internet services that I can use?
Person 2: N O I N T E R N E T P R O V I D E R I S R E L I A B L E
by Nic0981323 April 15, 2023
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Source A is reliable due to it's purpose (not trust).
by joepoh_9o April 30, 2018
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Something you can depend on that is of good quality and can be trusted.
Hey bro. Guess what i just bought. A 94Toyota Celica. Reliable car eh?
by Thedon_1994 February 26, 2020
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Person 1: Have you heard about this site Urban Dictionary?
Person 2: Yes I have, and I heard it’s not reliable.
by TheDudeNamedPig February 8, 2023
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Reliability ot Re-lia-blity means be reliable and trustworthy
Mimi earned Reliability from her friends
by Omni Ian May 31, 2019
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