R and G need to start dating right now they’re so freaking cute together
by Get together now October 30, 2021
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A term introduced by the rapper Snoop Dogg, meaning Rhythm & Gangsta'.

Also the name of one of his albums.
That's some fine ass R&G!
by MasahiroHayamoto May 15, 2007
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Lifted Research Group a clothing line created Jonas Bevacqua and Robert Wright. Worn by many artists and sponsers a skateboarding team. Very popular clothing line among hip hop and rap fans, as well as skaters.
I saved 20% off on L-R-G clothing by going to the karmaloop website and using repcode AN24457.
by loscoches January 5, 2009
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Acronym for 'Race / Gender / Sexuality'. Used when you want to refer to all three but don't want it to take up too much room.
MichaelMalloy69: "You shouldn't get special treatment for your R/G/S."

Emma | #ACAB | #BLM: "Umm whatever you say bigot. Looks like I'm gonna have to scroll through your profile."
by Artifact_IV January 19, 2021
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A r g the rapper is a rapper
Who one of the greatest rappers in the game?
A r g the rapper is. One of the greatest rappers in the game.
by Best label January 27, 2022
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You can lose simply by R&G (r and g).
by T-Felix February 9, 2016
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