When you’re so bored you begin to go insane so you try to out trick urban dictionary by typing only the first and third line of you keyboard... it didn’t work
Person 1:”dude are you ok? You look like you’re about to go on a killing spree...”

Person 2:”I’m f-fine, I’m just t-testing something.... qwertyuiopzxcvbnm”

Person 1: O_O
by The fantastical banana April 8, 2018
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A phenomenon that happens to a keyboard when you zip your finger across the top row and bottom row letters.
"I was so bored I simply zipped my finger across the top row and bottom row, oh boy did the outcome look amazing (qwertyuiopzxcvbnm)." XDDD
by TigerRock071 October 20, 2020
you're bored as hell and you decided to run your fingers on the top and bottom row of your keyboard, skipping the middle row.
yannick cardoso: ill outsmart urban dictionary by skipping the middle row!
urban dictionary: qwertyuiopzxcvbnm
yannick cardoso: im killing myself
by CageGEGEG September 12, 2021
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