Created by Cannon Christensen in Tennessee, fax no printer is a humorous term used to describe something agreeable
Bro Keaton is mid
Fax no printer
by Willbilliam October 3, 2023
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when you go to do the prep you meant to when it’s slow on the line, only to have your ticket printer go the fuck off.
Yeah sorry Jason, I meant to prep your limes last night but ya know “schrödingers epson printer man.”
by thekingggg April 29, 2024
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When you see a really fit guy (or girl) and want to tell your friends without the attractive person knowing
Have you seen the printer over by the salad?
by PizzaSlut338 April 6, 2016
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Guy: "Hey man have you seen my 'printer?'"
Guy 2: "Yeah. Earlier I took a pretty fat hit of your va... printer."
Guy 3: "Hey can y'all shut up and pass the printer?"
Guy 2: "Can't. We misplaced it."
by ill take a #1 February 9, 2020
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a device that always fails when you need it the most , used to transfer information to paper.
"hey did you print that Very Important note?" "Sorry my printer broke. :("
by nootnootforever October 11, 2022
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