Having to prioritise what you do and shit when you realise you're up the duff for the second time in 2 years and DOH! doesn't quite cut it.
A: Now you're preggers again, be pragmatic, you're gonna have to drop shit.
B: Nah mate, imma be pregmatic.
by prettystoned August 21, 2019
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A very rare creature, a pregmatic woman is pregnant, however she can plan the birth of her baby and beyond from a practical perspective, rather than the usual hormonal emotional turmoil.
Midwife 1: Did you hear... Dierdre is planning to give birth on the day of her exam finals!

Midwife 2: Well, she's extremely pregmatic, so I dare say it will all go smoothly.
by Kez 4 Prez July 16, 2014
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