To hit it hard. To stop kidding around and get serious. When a boxer goes in for the kill he's "pouring it on". To become very focused and effective.
During a car chase, the pursuer might say: "Let's pour it on...!" or the pursued might say: "He's really pouring it on...!"
by The Bald Bomber May 3, 2008
by BBWW December 6, 2006
by starrbaby November 3, 2008
Cheryl: Damn, Nae's jeans are soo tight. How did she get them on.
Angie: I am sure she was poured in.
Angie: I am sure she was poured in.
by TonniG January 30, 2009
Larry is a bitch because he tries to flash with money when he doesn't make any money I am pouring because I make money and I don't have to flash with anyone else's money
by Shythedon August 26, 2017
by anihpares November 6, 2016
When you blow your hot creamy load all over the back of a woman. Just like applying a pour-on drench to animals
by Joe34 June 5, 2006