Upon finishing your business in the bathroom, you realize there's no toilet paper. You're stuck with shitty butt until someone arrives with toilet paper redemption.
Text to your roommate, "Bro, I'm downstairs stuck in poogatory. Bring me some tp!"
by dandelionfrazer September 7, 2014
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The state of having an impending shit, but being stuck in the have to/don't have to state.
"coach wants me to run laps but I can't because I'm in poogatory and might accident launch a sewer pickle."
by Snakeplizzken September 18, 2019
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When you needing to go for a poo but it's not coming out.

Not to be confused with constipation.
I want to go to sleep, but I'm stuck in poogatory.
by Connor Robertson April 10, 2021
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1. When one is in poogatory they are constipated.
2. For the duration of time a child needs it's diaper changed a parent is in poogatory.
3. When in an area that stinks of poo, one is in poogatory.
1. After John ate all those cheese he found himself in poogatory. He ate prunes and was eventually able to leave poogatory.
2. After Sally and Harold had little Bob they spent the next 3 years in poogatory.
3. I went to a bathroom that smelled awful. It was if someone missed the toilet when they sat down. I was stuck in poogatory for those few minutes.
by Ihatepickingthis May 2, 2012
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The state one is in when they are unsure whether they need a poo or not
"Man, I don't want to chance this fart because I think I'm in poogatory!"
by dave909990909 November 6, 2012
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