A division of Oceania including scattered islands of the central and southern Pacific Ocean roughly between New Zealand, Hawaii, and Easter Island. The larger islands are volcanic, the smaller ones generally coral formations. It's inhabitants are unruly, and are often refered to as "The Tiki People". One common misconception of them is that they are normal Oceanic people, however, this is not the case. Polynesians wear grass skirts and each possess at least one skullcapped staff, as it is thier tradition. They throw rocks and bones at each other around the nightly campfires, and peirce thier bodies with the aformentioned objects. Polynesians never lose thier instinctual behavior, as it is scientifically proven to be carried down even into the 50th generation of Polyneisans, even when the individual possessed only one ancestor with Polynesian descent.
by thepanicbutton February 23, 2005
Polynesia is the syndrome or state of forgetting, not being able to remember, all the (other) people you're fucking. It's a type of amnesia, caused by guilt feelings. It is often triggered by a comment from or the presence of a jealous lover or one that would prefer monogamy.
Tammy: "I heard you're with that blonde Teresa and also screwing that thot Trixie, are you?"
Tommy: "No, no, I'm only with you Tammy my love..."
Tammy: "What the hell, do you have Polynesia? Jill and Rachel saw you with both of them at a swingers party!!"
Tommy: "No, no, I'm only with you Tammy my love..."
Tammy: "What the hell, do you have Polynesia? Jill and Rachel saw you with both of them at a swingers party!!"
by CrotchGourmet July 26, 2023