The act of causing the death of another gamer's avatar in a virtual world, often in defiance of the world's normal rules of conduct or in spite of preventative code. Often abbreviated "PK," serving as a verb, a noun, or even an adjective describing certain players or game rule sets.
The phrase most likely arose in the development of early MUDs in the 1980's where game administrators waged a continuous struggle with players bent on defying in-game authorities and their rules, regardless of the repercussions to the games' stability.
The phrase most likely arose in the development of early MUDs in the 1980's where game administrators waged a continuous struggle with players bent on defying in-game authorities and their rules, regardless of the repercussions to the games' stability.
"Player killing individuals who lack the means to defend themselves is a rather dishonorable means of showcasing one's gameplaying prowess."
"Player killing is not against the charter on this server." -Anonymous source, Rallos Zek, Everquest Classic
"Player killing is not against the charter on this server." -Anonymous source, Rallos Zek, Everquest Classic
by Pratt October 11, 2005
Meaning Some One That Has Been Killed Easy. Also Meaning Some 1 That You Have Owned. Mostly Used In DIABLO II.
by AeRo-oWs January 10, 2006