theres 3 types of groups 1 mercy obsessed people that play handball at recess and the tall people that are nerds
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The mandaments of a portuguese university's professor
1st Mandament: Piu;
2nd Piu: Piu;
Piu piu: Piu;

When using Piu in a conversation:
- You automatically "win" the situation:

1) Reflects the argument, if the conversation is to continue

2) Ends the argument with no possible comeback
3) Or it can be used as a short version of "that's what you get"

Obs: Piu is known as bird's noise
When using the 3 Piu Mandaments, there's no requirements, you just need to say "Piu" that's the whole foundation

1) Person 1: You're a dick!

Person 2: Piu

(Now Person 1 is the dick)

2) Same as 1) but Person 1 isn't the dick because Person 2 just doesn't care

3) Person 1: Ah s*** I didn't deliver the project on time

Person 2: Ohhh, piu.
by jeremiasoreidokuduro October 10, 2019
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Pius boys are often caught lackin at chatswood with monty girls. half are hot the rest are ug.
“who are those fitties over there?”
just those pius boys”
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a character with long black hair, brown eyes, and fair skin.
she usually wears casual clothes.
she has an older sister named Bryony Sakera
she is from Essex.
her best friend is called Molang Syneoro
her birthday is on 12 March 1999
Piu Piu Sakera is one of my favourite characters!!!!!
by thecharacterwannie August 16, 2022
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