This is a fortnite term. When you are so pro at the game you don’t say I’m healing or their healing anymore, you say their peefing or I’m peefing.
I’m peefing protect me
by WolfieKat01 October 17, 2021
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The act of blowing air out of a penis. Similar to the female queef.
Do you smell that peef?; yeah! the guy has been peefing all day!!
by thehorneygoat January 14, 2011
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The act of inserting a straw into your penis, and blowing air into it, which makes a queef-like sound when “exhaled.”
Damn bro last night me and Shawn had a peefing competition, and his was waaay louder than mine.
by Probablynothitler December 31, 2019
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if a woman still wants to have sex even if the man is too tired, the man will then poop, but not letting the poop completely leave his butthole, the girl then puts a condom on the poop, and fucks the condomed poop.
Bill was too tired to have sex after hours of fucking his girlfriend so he quenched his girl's sexual needs by peefing her.
by big nigga nigga nigga March 10, 2011
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When a man farts out of his penis. The male version of queefing
Yo man, I was just sitting in class and BAMN! I was peefing!
by Jessie Snow March 30, 2014
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A peef is a penis fart, similar to a queef. A queef is to a female as a peef is to a male.

There have been very few recorded incidences of peefs. However, we do know that a peef is both pleasant and painful for the 'peefer'. No incidences of a 'wet peef' have ever been recorded.

On a related note, the peef has much militaristic potential. Theoretically, with the proper enhancements and adjustments, the peef could become powerful enough to replace nuclear warfare.
Example 1:

Vendor: I peefed at the dinner table.

Example 2:

Pierce: I tried to peef, but blood came out instead.
by Pierce November 26, 2004
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The male version of a Queef. Physiologically, it is a burst of air which shoots forth from the penis with magnificent force and beauty.
Fapfapfapfap *paaah*
"Daddy, did you just peef in my face?"
"Shut up, junior. You're adopted."
by Dinkmers April 12, 2009
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