When the shelves at a grocery run out of peter pan peanutbutter.
What do you mean there's a Peter pan peanutbutter alert!!!!!
by tony pinto December 3, 2007
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A similar event to Emergency Meeting, hosted by Andrew and Tristan Tate. It is a meeting that is casual in setting but serious in topic.
"I'm going to gather the five most perspicacious and indefatigable men I know and hold a Peter Pan Peanutbutter Alert to discuss the future of society whilst smoking cigars"
by jackoncrack13 October 10, 2023
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a game involving rolling dice and injecting heroine in ur butthole while ur mother shoves skittles down ur throught. (u r also covered in peanutbutter)
bob:hey charlie! wanna play a game of peanutbutter square hula quest?
charlie:hell yea!u got the peanutbutter,i'll get ur mom n sum skittles!
by donkeypenis October 13, 2011
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Shitting in a womans pussy then fucking it to make a sort of leaking peanutbutter between the pussy lips which would be the bread
"man I just made the most delicious peanutbutter sandwich with my wife karen"
by Harambe haram July 6, 2019
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When you put peanutbutter on your balls and let a buddy lick it.
Peter Pan put some peanutbutter on his nuts and had his dog lick it, they are now peanutbutter buddies
by TheBaconSizzle January 13, 2017
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When your dog licks your nut sack or clitrus... That is called a penutbutter tongue....
When your dog licks your nut sack or clitrus... That is called a penutbutter tongue.... "My dog is going to give me a peanutbutter tounge later!!! "
by PeanutButter Tongue May 24, 2015
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the act of mixing peanut butter using 2 females spooning and licking
Melissa and Veronica were peanutbuttering in the office last week
by FancyFelines March 17, 2017
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