A trans woman who passes and particularly one who is in denial of it.
Luci you're such a passoid shutup
by EuphoriTori December 9, 2021
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An either jokingly derogatory or just derogatory way of referring to a passing trans-person. A trans person passes when they are perceived by others as the gender they perceive themselves as . A passoid is different to a voicepassoid which is when your voice passes as the gender you identify with
person 1: Uhhhhh I'm feeling really bad about myself
passoid: Its okay! don't feel to negative
person1: shut up passoid you dont know the pain
by womiemommy December 21, 2021
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A trans person who passes but doesn't think they do on account of body dysmorphia, perfectionism, fishing for compliments, or most likely some combination of all three.
Alice never gets misgendered but she insists that she is a massive hon. Textbook BDD passoid.
by muggsymoon April 23, 2022
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A derogatory term for a trans person who passes well or is obsessed with passing
Trans person 1: I don't think anyone could ever tell I'm not cis! :D
Trans person 2: Whatever you say, passoid
by CornwallTCollingsly December 11, 2021
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